Peace Rallies, Marches, and Related Events

Some of the earlier photos sets have different versions indicated in brackets like this: (and here).

Peace Walk with Elders (June 7, 2024)

Paws for Peace (November 19, 2023)

Ceasefire Now and White Peace Poppy (November 11, 2023)

Gather for Peace (October 22, 2023)

UN International Day of Peace 2023 (September 21, 2023)

Canada Out of NATO (March 18, 2023)

No Fighter Jet (January 7, 2023)

UN International Day of Peace 2022 (September 21, 2022)

Oppose the NATO Madrid Summit and RIMPAC 2022 (June 30, 2022)

UN International Day of Peace 2021 (September 21, 2021 – videos only)

Afghan Community Rally (August 28, 2021)

Salvos Prelorentzos Peace Awards (September 24, 2020 – video only)

UN International Day of Peace 2020 (September 21, 2020 – video only)

75th Anniversary Commemoration of the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 6, 2020 – video only)

No War On Iran Global Day of Action (January 25, 2020)

Salvos Prelorentzos Peace Awards (September 24, 2019)

UN International Day of Peace 2019 (September 21, 2019)

Dialogue for Peace in South Asia (August 10, 2019)

ECAWAR Peace Picket (June 22, 2019)

Hands Off Venezuela – International Day of Action (February 23, 2019)

Hands Off Venezuela (February 16, 2019)

ECAWAR Anti-War Picket (December 15, 2018)

ECAWAR Anti-War Picket (November 24, 2018)

Never Again: 100 Years Since the End of WWI (November 10, 2018)

ECAWAR Peace Picket (October 13, 2018)

UN International Day of Peace (September 21, 2018)

Remembering Hiroshima (August 6, 2018 – videos only)

ECAWAR Info Picket (May 19, 2018)

Hands Off Syria (April 21, 2018)

ECAWAR Info Picket (November 25, 2017)

Sandra Laya Ruch of Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (October 20, 2017 – video only)

ECAWAR Info Picket: Hands Off Korea! Hands Off Venezuela! (October 14, 2017)

Salvos Prelorentzos Peace Awards (September 28, 2017)

ECAWAR Info Picket: Hands Off Korea! (September 23, 2017)

ECAWAR Info Picket: No to Increased Defence Spending (June 17, 2017)

Salvos Prelorentzos Peace Awards 2016 (September 29, 2016)

UN International Day of Peace 2016 (September 21, 2016)

ECAWAR Picket: No Arms to Saudi Arabia! (April 16, 2016)

ECAWAR Discussion: Ukraine (March 16, 2016 – video only)

ECAWAR Information Picket: Canada Needs an Anti-War Government! (February 13, 2016 – video only)

ECAWAR Information Picket: Stop the Bombing (January 23, 2016 – video only)

Syria: The Refugee Crisis, The Peace Process, and Canada’s Role (January 7, 2016)

Salvos Prelorentzos Peace Awards 2015 (November 5, 2015)

UN International Day of Peace 2015 (September 21, 2015)

70th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 6, 2015)

Info Picket Against Bill C-51 & War on Syria (March 28, 2015)

Sick and Tired of Violence in the Name of Religion (February 3, 2015)

Defeat Stephen Harper in 2015 – ECAWAR Picket (January 26, 2015)

ECAWAR Peace Picket (December 6, 2014)

Don’t Attack Iraq! Don’t Attack Syria! National Day of Action (October 25, 2014)

ECAWAR Information Picket – No New War in Iraq (October 10, 2014)

Emergency Picket – Hands Off Iraq! (October 5, 2014)

ECAWAR Info Picket – No New War in Iraq (September 27, 2014)

UN International Day of Peace 2014 (September 21, 2014)

Rally to Say No to ISIS and NATO Intervention (September 14, 2014)

Raise Your Banner for Peace (March 12, 2014)

ECAWAR Weekly Picket and Discussion – Syria (September 28, 2013)

UN International Day of Peace Flag-Raising Ceremony 2013 (September 21, 2013)

Don’t Attack Syria – Pan Canadian Day of Action (September 7, 2013)

No War On Syria Information Picket (August 31, 2013)

ECAWAR May 2013 Information Picket and Meeting (May 11, 2013)

ECAWAR April 2013 Information Picket (April 6, 2013)

ECAWAR February 2013 Information Picket (February 9, 2013)

ECAWAR January 2013 Information Picket (January 12, 2013)

Ten Years of ECAWAR (December 1, 2012)

Salvos Prelorentzos Peace Award 2012 (November 6, 2012)

Hands Off Iran! International Day of Action (October 6, 2012)

UN International Day of Peace Flag Raising Ceremony 2012 (September 21, 2012)

Rally for the People of Homs and Syria (February 11, 2012)

Hama Massacre Anniversary Commemoration (February 4, 2012)

Edmonton Rally for the People of Syria (January 21, 2012)

Peaceful Protest to Close Guantanamo & Bring Omar Khadr Home (January 7, 2012)

UN International Day of Peace (September 21, 2011)

Walk for Peace Celebration (May 21, 2011)

Rally for Syria (May 1, 2011)

Rally for Libya (April 23, 2011)

Rally for Bahrain (April 16, 2011)

Rally for Libya (April 16, 2011)

National Day of Action (April 9, 2011)

Rally to Support Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, and Jordan (March 26, 2011)

Rally to Condemn the Violent Attacks on Protesters in Bahrain (March 20, 2011)

Rally to Support the People of Libya (March 6, 2011)

Rally for Libya (February 20, 20110)

Rally for Democracy in Egypt (January 29, 2011)

National Day of Action to End the War in Afghanistan (September 25, 2010)

UN International Day of Peace (September 21, 2010)

Emergency Rally for the Gaza Freedom Flotilla (June 1, 2010)

End the Wars of Occupation (March 20, 2010)

World March for Peace and Nonviolence (November 21, 2009)

Rally for Justice for Omar Khadr (November 15, 2009)

George Bush Go Home! (October 20, 2009)

UN International Day of Peace (September 21, 2009)

Cross Canada Day of Action (April 4, 2009)

Free Tibet March and Rally (March 14, 2009)

Mothers Across the World for Gaza – Edmonton Vigil (February 8, 2009)

Peace Vigil (January 18, 2009)

Gaza Rally (January 17, 2009)

Edmonton Rallies for Gaza (January 10, 2009)

Hands Off Gaza Rally (January 4, 2009)

National Day of Action (October 18, 2008)

UN International Day of Peace (September 21, 2008)

Hiroshima Day (August 6, 2008)

Freedom for Tibet (March 22, 2008)

Global Day of Action (March 15, 2008)

End the Siege of Gaza Rally (February 2, 2008)

National Day of Action (October 27, 2007)

National Day of Action Against Secret Trials in Canada (October 20, 2007)

Demonstration for Burma (September 28, 2007)

UN International Day of Peace (September 21, 2007)

Die-In for Darfur (September 17, 2007)

RESPECT Peace Rally (May 20, 2007)

Walk for Darfur (April 29, 2007)

Pan-Canadian Day of Action: U.S. Out of Iraq and Canada Out of Afghanistan (March 17, 2007) (and here)

National Day of Action: Canada Out of Afghanistan (October 28, 2006) (and here)

UN International Day of Peace Flag-Raising Ceremony (September 21, 2006) (and here)

Rally for Darfur (September 17, 2006)

National Day of Action for a Ceasefire in the Middle East (August 12, 2006) (and here)

Children March for Peace (August 4, 2006) (and here)

Rally for Lebanon (July 19, 2006) (and here)

Walk for Peace and Justice (Against security certificates; July 6, 2006)

Peace Rally at City Hall (March 18, 2006) (and here)

End the Occupations! Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan (march, rally, and public forum; March 18, 2006) (also here)

International Day of Action Rally 2005 (September 25, 2005) (and here)

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